
  SmartyUninstallerPro是功能强大的专业级卸载管理程序 ,它包含直观及易用的界面,能够管理并完整移除Windows应用程序。 At most cases Windows applications are very complicated. They put large number of traces to your system. Especially that refers to such things as entries in Windows Registry, Program Files and Shortcuts. In general the problem lies in Uninstaller (simply, an uninstaller is the opposite of an installer. During the uninstallation, the uninstaller removes all the components which were installed) that can't properly remove all traces in Windows. Also some users simply doesn't use uninstaller! They just delete the application program files from hard drive. Other traces still stays untouched! Large amount of junk traces will make your PC much slower. Smart Uninstaller是分析你先前安装载你的系统中的应用程序信息。 允许你卸载安装的软件,是控制面板中的添加/删除程序的功能增强软件。
