
  phpBB不仅是受欢迎的自由软件还是个开放源代码的网络论坛系统,使用PHP作为程序语言,并支持如MySQL、 PostgreSQL、MSSQL、Microsoft Access与Oracle[1]等的资料库.


  * 使用样板系统设计可方便地快速修改

  * 国际化并支持61种可用的语言翻译,phpBB声称可同时安装多套翻译

  * 庞大且众多的网络论坛提供使用者自由交流与外挂软件的支援

  3.0.0 has seen some some critical bugs fixed, including:

  [Fix] Cleaned usernames contain only single spaces, so "a_name" and "a__name" are treated as the same name (Bug #15634)

  [Fix] Check "able to disable word censor" option while applying word censor on text (Bug #15974)

  [Fix] Rollback changes on failed transaction if returning on sql error, if set

  [Fix] Call garbage_collection() within database updater to correctly close connections (affects Oracle for example)
